
This website blog chronicles my exploration into using symbology to represent alternative numerical base systems. My ultimate goal is to uncover and simplify known, and unknown, mathematical processes and connections between these systems. This is a hobby and should be taken as such. Thanks for visiting.

012 Introduction to Trincubic Glyph Rotation

By rotating the segments of a Trincubic number, we can transform it into a different number.


These rotations can also be performed in a three dimensional space, even though the numerals are written on a two dimensional surface.

Let’s use the number five as an example. In Trincubic, it is written as a backwards C with a vertical segment in its center and a horizontal segment below. The area above the backwards C is blank. The blank space actually represents a segment that runs in the direction of front to back. Whenever a blank area appears, imagine it as a segment that starts at your eye and runs away from you.

The formal written form of Trincubic uses dots instead of blank spaces to better represent this direction on a two dimensional writing surface. In this site, the simplified, casual form is used instead. It seems overkill to always use dots when a blank space gets the message across just fine. But in the case of Rotations, it can help us, because a line running front to back, looks like a dot. So if it helps, fill in your blanks with dots.

0 — Blank Space — Line Running Front Back

1 — Vertical Line — Line Running Up Down

2 — Horizontal Line — Line Running Left Right


CW/CCW Rotation ( Bank ) { Roll } [ Z ]

A ternary zero is represented as a segment that runs front to back. If we rotate it clockwise or counter clockwise, it will spin like a log in a river. It will not change its axis. The segment direction remains unchanged. The other segment directions will change though. A vertical segment rotates into a horizontal segment, and vice versa. The number five is transformed into a seven.


Frisbee Rotation ( Heading ) { Yaw } [ Y ]

A ternary one is represented as a vertical segment. If we spin the segment like a top on a table or a frisbee flying through the air, it will not change its axis. The segment direction remains unchanged. The other segment directions will change though. A horizontal segment will spin to appear edge on, looking like a dot. A segment seen edge on, appearing as a dot, spins and turns into a horizontal segment. The number five is transformed into the number twenty-one.


Tire Rotation ( Pitch ) { Pitch } [ X ]

A ternary two is represented as a horizontal segment. If we rotate it in a tire like direction, (as if you were observing the tire of a bicycle you were riding), the axis of the tire will not change (provided you always travel in a strait line). The segment direction remains unchanged. The other segment directions will change though. A front to back segment rotates into a vertical segment, and vice versa. The number five is transformed into an eleven.


A trincubic number can be rotated several times to produce different combinations of numbers. However, there are only six different combinations that can be achieved.